4 Simple Security Mistakes That Put Your Home at Risk

No one is perfect but making mistakes when it comes to your home security system can be unforgiving.
Homeowners who don’t take the time to properly secure their homes could be increasing their chances of a break-in or burglary.
To help you avoid that, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common home security mistakes that homeowners make that put you, your loved ones, and your home at risk.
1. Exposing Valuables to Outsiders
Leaving expensive items in plain view attracts burglars. Items such as:
- Cars
- Computers and laptops
- Jewelry
- Keys
- TVs
- Other electronics
Be sure to keep these and similar items out of sight whenever they are not being used. Close your garage doors, and hide information on boxes from expensive purchases inside out before putting them out to the curb.
2. Forgetting Security System Password
Forgetting the login credentials to your security system is another typical mistake.
According to experts, forgotten system credentials are quite common. Forgetting your security logins could prevent you from using remote access and other important security features.
To avoid this problem, consider using a password manager—but only choose one from a well-vetted, secure provider.
3. Not Arming the Security System When Away from Home
It may seem obvious, but you may be surprised at how many homeowners forget to secure their homes when they leave or turn in for bed each night.
According to the crime statistic, nearly 40 percent of home thefts were the result of unlawful or unforced entries. Home-invasions like these can be prevented with a properly functioning home alarm system—but only if it’s armed.
Make it a habit to turn on your system as soon as you enter your home and right before exiting. If you find yourself forgetting, create reminders such as a note on the door or a special keychain to prompt you.
4. Not Investing in a Complete Home Security System
Although some security is better than no security, your system is more effective when it’s an end-to-end solution. This means implementing alarms, cameras, and other smart home features that work together in harmony for the most beneficial setup.
Partner With a Professional in Home Security
To avoid making these and other errors in your home security setup, partner with EMC Security. You can get a free quote personalized for your specific security needs.