Customer Newsletter

Customer Newsletter – July, 2023
Looking to enhance your property security? Consider installing security cameras. EMC Security provides two excellent camera options: (1) Wi-Fi enabled cloud cameras and (2) an NVR camera system with on-site storage. For those seeking a straightforward solution to...

Customer Newsletter – March, 2023
Your EMC Security system is capable of smart-home automation such as locks, lights, thermostats, and more. A 2022 study shows as many as 57.4 million households in the US are actively using smart home devices. This is expected to increase to 64.1 million by 2025. It...
Customer Newsletter – December, 2022
Is Your Home a Smart Home? The latest smart home statistics show that in 2022, as many as 57.4 million households in the US are actively using smart home devices. This is expected to increase to 64.1 million by 2025. A smart home refers to a convenient home setup...
Customer Newsletter – November, 2022
GreyStone Power, one of EMC Security's three EMC owner companies, features EMC Security President, Vince Raia during their monthly podcast, Power Line. Vince gives a list of home security tips for the holidays and tells listeners what makes EMC Security so special....
Customer Newsletter – October, 2022
October is National Fire Prevention Month So it's a great time for us all to take the precautionary steps to prevent dangerous and life-threatening fires. Maintain your heating source. Whether it’s a fireplace, wood stove, a furnace or electric heat, check the...
Customer Newsletter – August 2022
Are you taking our DIY System with you when you move? Be sure to call us first. On the call we'll: Suspend service at your existing home. Transfer service to your new home. Program your system components for your new home. Add any components needed (additional doors,...
September, 2021
In 1980, the University of Georgia had 2 epic moments in one: The Georgia Bulldogs won the College Football National Championship game - The Sugar Bowl, versus Notre Dame...and at that event - Hairy Dawg, the now beloved mascot, made his 1st appearance. Many think he...
July, 2021
Enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card by following 3 simple steps: 1) Follow us on Instagram (@emcsecurity) 2) Like the contest post on our page 3) Tag a friend (or a few) (Put this on your Instagram story for a bonus entry) THE FIVE WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA...
June, 2021
Get Answers...When You Need Them Most Our website support page, is a great resource for a variety of customer concerns. Such as: Storm Outages. If a big storm hits, we'll post trouble shooting information in the top banner of the website....
May, 2021
Upgrade to the latest technology with our touchscreen keypad. It's smarter than the average keypad, integrating your security system with your smart-devices. Upgrade to the touchscreen keypad today for just $99 EMC Security's cameras are among the best in the...