June, 2021

Get Answers…When You Need Them Most
Our website support page, emcsecurity.com/support is a great resource for a variety of customer concerns. Such as:
Storm Outages. If a big storm hits, we’ll post trouble shooting information in the top banner of the website. You’ll find instructions to silence beeps, notifications, and more.
Insurance Certificate Request Form. Submit the request and receive your certificate the next business day.
Maintenance Request Form. Have an issue? Let us know what’s going on and a technician will contact you back.
Update Your Contact List. Submit the form and we’ll take care of it for you.
Frequently Asked Questions. Including a variety of topics.
Moving resources, mobile app details, how to test your alarm, system manuals, and more.
Visit EMC Security Support now>>
Are You Enrolled in EMC Text-Alert?
It’s Free!
SIgn up for EMC Text-Alert here >>
Gwinnett County has partnered with CryWolf Technologies to administer a new false alarm reduction program. Residents may have received a letter from CryWolf regarding this program, and can consider it a legitimate correspondence.
EMC Security monitoring service will not be interrupted by this change
Do you have missing or damaged yard signs?
Complete this form to request replacement signs.
Request Yard Signs Now