Home Fire Safety Tips

The room was fully ablaze in 3 minutes.
A recent Good Morning America investigation demonstrated how much more vulnerable today’s modern home is to fire than its older counterparts.
A group of researchers set a fully furnished 12×16 foot room (similar to one found in a modern, open floor plan) on fire to see how long it took for the room to reach a “flash point,” or the moment in a room where everything is engaged in a fire. The result? The room was fully ablaze in 3 minutes.
Read below for tips on how you can prevent this from happening in your home.
1. The first safety tip is a simple one that many homeowners forget—close the interior doors. When each room is compartmentalized, fire has less room and oxygen and grows more slowly, giving the family more time to get out safely. Get into the habit of closing doors (especially bedroom doors) at bedtime.
2. Get fire resistant clothing and furniture. When you’re shopping for new furniture or appliances, check the manufacturer’s label to see if the item has been tested for its resistance to fire.
3. Dense, heavy, solid materials will burn more slowly, so consider the heft of building materials if you’re building or remodeling a home. Heavier doors, handles, and non-synthetic construction materials will slow the spread of flames.
4. Create a fire escape plan. As the safety window for escaping a home fire shrinks, it’s more important that ever to create a fire escape plan for your family that includes two exit points for every room, and a plan for meeting up outside. An escape ladder is a must for 2nd floor bedrooms.
5. The NUMBER ONE thing you can do to protect your home: install a fire monitoring system. EMC Security monitoring includes fire monitoring, starting at $16.95 per month. With the purchase of a monitored smoke detector (from $79) you can help save your home and everyone inside.
Call 770-963-0305 and schedule a free consultation to find the fire monitoring and intrusion alarm system that fits your home and your family.