Prices are Rising Everywhere so EMC Security is the Better Choice

The reality of the world-wide microchip shortage, global labor shortage and other supply chain disruptions has manufacturers – from consumer electronics and appliances to automobiles and industrial capabilities – in a bind trying to fulfill demand. Simple economics proves that when demand is high and supply is low, prices go up. It’s happening in every aspect of our lives.
Security technology manufacturers have announced at least one, but in some cases, two prices increases in 2021. Home security companies all over the U.S. are facing price increases and are passing the cost to consumers.
EMC Security has a plan to protect our low prices.
- Internally, our team is negotiating exemption and/or lower percentage increases with our manufacturing partners.
- Our famous “no contract” option provides more value to consumers than ever before. We give our customers control to decide if they want to do business with us. Because customers can cancel any time, we work hard to ensure our level of customer service is at its highest for each and every interaction.
- EMC Security protects our customers and gives back to the community we serve.
- As a local company, we hire local people to service local families and businesses – we are part of this community and we do all we can to buy local and support the community.
- Every employee passes background checks, drug screens, and driving records.
- We notify customers if we don’t receive a test signal in more than 30 days. Customer security systems are tested for signals to confirm the system is properly functioning. Other companies don’t provide regular testing like this.
- We employee a team of 7 in-house technical support representatives. Trained security technicians are available at no cost to our customers to provide telephone technical support. This could save our customers time and money associated with a site visit to trouble-shoot or repair their system.
- Free EMC Text-Alert is a service no other company offers at no cost. This service allows customers to make a decision quickly with those on their contact list whether to dispatch or cancel an alarm – speeding up the process.