Spring Cleaning Tips With Safety In Mind

It’s that time of year again.
Most of us are “social distancing” at home and have some time on our hands. So we don’t really have many excuses not to spring clean, do we?
The fact is, taking the time to thoroughly clean and inspect your home – especially with these 6 pointers – you’ll have a shiny, fresh, and SAFE place to enjoy during Georgia’s beautiful spring and summer seasons.
1. Be aware of your security system when you’re redecorating.
Does your spring to-do list include a new big-screen TV or furniture purchase? Re-arranging or changing furniture and appliances may cause a change in the efficiency of your security system. Make sure that when you re-decorate, your security cameras are not blocked and your motion detector sensors are clear.
2. Check your window locks.
Spring is a good time to clean the interior and exterior glass—it’s safer when you can see more clearly! It’s also the perfect time to open and close every window and make sure the locks and seals are properly securing the window. If any of the locks seem loose, tighten or replace them. It’s also a good time to install inexpensive window pins. They’re available at any home improvement store, and are easy to operate—just pull the pin out to unlock and open the window.
The next 4 tips are to prevent a fire in the home. EMC Security will monitor for fire for no additional monthly cost. You will have to install smoke detectors specific for monitoring but it’s well worth the small investment.
3. Check batteries on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
If you read this tip a lot when you’re scanning articles about home security and maintenance, it’s for a good reason. These detectors could mean the difference between life and death. According to the Consumer Products Safety Division, two-thirds of all home fires occurred in residences without working smoke detectors. It’s also a good time to test your smoke alarms.
4. Clean your light fixtures.
Not only will your home look brighter, but you’ll also see better—and that’s a big safety plus! Dust those hard-to-reach chandeliers and ceiling fans thoroughly. An accumulation of dust and dirt can cause operating issues, which could lead to big trouble if there’s a short-circuit in the wiring. One spark could start a fire!
5. Clean out your fireplace.
If you’ve got a wood-burning fireplace in your home, it’s time to call in a chimney expert to make sure the flue is clear and there’s no creosote buildup. Discard any ash, clean the grate and surrounding areas, and close the flue. A clean fireplace will freshen the air in your home.
6. Clean around your refrigerator and washer-dryer.
Spring is a great time to pull your fridge out from the wall and give the floor behind it and around it a good cleaning. Sweep, wipe and mop as much as you can. Take a brush/duster specifically designed to clean the coils in major appliances and give it a good deep-cleaning. The amount of dust that gets into the bottom of a refrigerator is astounding. And when you’re doing the same to your washer-dryer combo, use that brush to clean out the dryer vent. Make sure you’re in the habit of cleaning your lint screen after every time you run your dryer. Remember, anywhere you’ve got dust and major electrical equipment, you’ve got the potential for a fire.