City of Decatur False Alarm Ordinance

Sec. 38-34. False Alarm Fines
For a response to any false alarm, the Decatur municipal court shall fine and collect such fines as follows from the person or business having and/or maintaining a security alarm system on the premises owned or occupied by such person:
First False Alarm
For the first response to premises at which no other false alarm has occurred within a: calendar year, there shall be no penalty;
Second False Alarm
For a second response to premises after the first response within a calendar year period, a written warning and a copy of this article shall be given, but the person having or maintaining such security alarm shall, within three working days after notice to do so, make a written report to the police chief, and if applicable, on prescribed forms setting forth the cause of such false alarm, the corrective action taken, whether such alarm has been inspected, by an authorized service person, and such other information as may be required to determine the cause. of such false alarm and necessary corrective action. Provision of this information is the sole responsibility of the offender.
Third False Alarm
For the third response to premises after a second response within a calendar year period, a fine as set forth in the schedule of fees and charges shall be charged, but a written report may be required as for a second response and the police chief shall be authorized to inspect or cause to be inspected the security alarm system at the owner’s expense by a certified service person and to prescribe necessary corrective action.
Fourth and Fifth False Alarms
For a fourth and a fifth response to premises within a calendar year, a fine as set forth in the schedule of fees and charges shall be charged, but a written report may be required, and the police chief shall be authorized to inspect or cause to be inspected the security alarm system at such premises, prescribe necessary corrective action, and shall give notice to the person or business having or maintaining such security alarm system of the conditions and requirements of this article, including the fee requirements for six or more false alarm responses by the police division within each calendar year.
Six or More False Alarms
After a sixth response to premises within a calendar year for all succeeding responses within that calendar year, a fine as set forth in the schedule of fees and charges shall be charged, and if such false alarms are as a result of failure to take necessary corrective action prescribed by the police chief, disconnection of such security alarm system may be ordered. It shall be unlawful to reconnect such security alarm system until such corrective action is taken. No disconnection shall be ordered to any premises required by law to have a security alarm system in operation.
False Alarm Fees
1st or 2nd citation | $50.00 |
3rd or 4th citation | $80.00 |
5th & up must appear in court |
Decatur Police Department 420 West Trinity Place
Decatur, Georgia 30030-3048
Fax 404-370-4117