Georgia School Bus Law

Many school systems have opted for online learning this fall. But there are also many districts that have offered in-school learning – so buses will be on the roads once again.
It’s important for people to realize how dangerous it can be at bus stops, which is why drivers have a responsibility to make sure students can leave those bus stops safely.
According to law, vehicles traveling in both directions must stop when a school bus is stopped on a road with its lights on and sign out. This applies to two-lane roads, four-lane roads, and roads with a turning lane. The only time you do not have to stop is if there is a median in the road, separating you and the bus. These sections of roadway are usually divided by a grassy area, a paved area, or a concrete wall.
Penalties for Breaking the Law
If you are caught passing a school bus that is stopped, you could be fined up to $1,000 and risk getting six points on your driver’s license. As such, remember, if you see a school bus stopping and the red lights are on, you need to stop unless it’s a road with a median.
According to a school official, bus drivers try to avoid bus stops where students have to cross the street, but it does still happen and sometimes students cross when they aren’t supposed to.
Sometimes, it’s possible that a child might get confused, and not having traffic stopped in all directions could be catastrophic, which is why it’s important that drivers educate themselves on the new law and the cautions that come with driving on the roadways during the school season.
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